Friday, February 02, 2007

Temo and his penguin are not to be separated

I thought I had blogged this story, but it turns out I had only emailed it to some people. So here is an excerpt from an email to Annie that explains what happened just before this photo was taken.

"Ruth's visit was good - Temo knows who we are now and is a lot more talkative.

Best moment was when we went to the Natural History Museum on Sunday and Temo picked up a large stuffed penguin from a low-level display in the museum store, rested his cheek against it as if appreciating its softness then bolted, sprinting the length of the shop and out into the museum foyer with the big dinosaur skeletons, clutching the penguin to his chest.

He was very disappointed to learn he couldn't take it home - Ruth is in that vigilant lets-not-collect-possessions state that you get into before a big trip."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So he is in training to be a sneaky little rugby halfback. Sleight of hand and a very quick nip around the side of the scrum, ducking under the arms of all the bigger people trying to tackle him.

Well done Mo!