- my lens sold for £44 + 9.95 postage and packaging - a good result
- we made an offer on a garden flat in Kingsgate Road, just around the corner here, and missed out by a couple of thousand pounds
- 4/5ths of the baby's head can be felt above my pelvis
- we went to see Hot Fuzz and loved it - could have been cut by about five minutes but in all other respects very funny and very English
- I went to see another more expensive garden flat in Queen's Park that I absolutely love (example of fantasticness: a summer house in the garden that the current owners use as a painting studio) and I'm taking Jules to see it on Saturday
- my blood pressure is slightly raised and there is protein in my pee (again) so I have to go back in tomorrow to have it checked out. They're muttering about beginnings of pre-eclampsia and induction again but last time this happened it turned out to be a minor blip so I'm not worried, just sick of having so many appointments
- Angeline and I went for a swim at Swiss Cottage yesterday - turns out my new friend is 6 years younger than me (as well as five weeks less pregnant) so I don't feel so bad about how many lengths she fits into a half hour swim, or the fact that she's run 'oh, a few' half-marathons...
I’m a writer and a mum of two young people. The tiger safari remains on hold, and most of my trekking takes place near Lake Hawea and Wanaka in New Zealand.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Pidgin Post - brief update due to sore hands
Carpal tunnel syndrome means typing hurts so, in brief:
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1 comment:
Several of my friends are 10+ years younger than I am - I suppose they started their families at 24 rather than 34. I too have friends who run marathons, trialthlons etc -I expect they'll get over it -or just maybe when I'm 50 I may reinvent myself as a trialthlon person. Can't see it myself but you never know.
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