Sunday, August 21, 2005

Yes, we have tomatoes ... and inflated egos

My first tomatoes, originally uploaded by Racmol.

Run: 45 minutes easy (as per Run London's intermediate week 1 programme).

Very excited to discover about eight baby tomatoes this morning, some on each bush. Luckily Warren will be here while we're in Italy so he can water them for us.

About the inflated egos, I have a new obsession. A week ago, I signed up with, which counts your blog traffic and tells you all sorts of interesting things, like where your visitors come from, how long they stay and what keywords they searched for to find you (if any). I only have the free version, so it will only list 100 page loads at a time before writing over the old stats.

Anyway, I was thrilled to see that as well as my regular New Zealand visitors (who make up about 40-50% of visits, there are a decent number of UK and US visits and the occasional odd bod from Sweden, France, Germany, Chile, Japan and Canada.

Someone found me by searching for "friday cat blogging" on I told Jules about this, and his verdict was that I had become a self-obsessed freak.

Then this morning, I noticed that someone in Tauranga had found the site by searching on msn for "fork lightning".

I ran up the stairs to tell Jules (who took the fork lightning photo)and he completely lost his cool, frantically typing in "jules fork lightning" into Google. "I'm not there," he said, all despondent, and the next second there was a sudden shout of "Woohoo! I'm FAMOUS!" The fork lightning post came up about 7th in Google's search results.

Well, I dunno...maybe I'm completely normal after all. Either that or we're BOTH freaks!


abhijit said...

Hi Rachel,
I noticed that your ultimate goal is to see a tiger in the wild. I got to do that this year in 2005. I am from India and there is a little known place called Tadoba in Maharashtra, which is a tiger reserve. The ideal season for visit is summer, but be warned that the temperature often soar upto 46 degrees celsius. Its the heat which brings them out to water-tanks. The water tanks are maintained by the Govt Forest Department. Wanna see my photo album on Tadoba? Its at
The album name is called Tadoba.

abhijit said...

Ah I forgot to post the link.
Yahoo Album

Ruth said...

HI Rachel,

....and you've created a blog epidemic. You inspired me to create my own blog incidentally causing a chain reaction! Talk about blog inflated egos - The Learning Connexion in Wellington is using my blog as an example to all their extramural students (900 of em) to encourage them to create blogs! I'll go download statcounter. And you've probably heard that we're (sadly) selling our home - well we'll probably create a blog for that too.
Uh oh, Temo has just drawn whiskers on his face with a pen....

Rachel Matheson said...

Hi Ruth,

You can't just say that and not provide a link! And preferably a link to the Learning Connexion site too where they mention your blog...


Tell us more about the house off-line - we know nothing about it.

Ruth said...


You can get to the learning connexion through my blog. They mention my blog in the forums which may be like finding a needle in the haystack - but it's there! They're printing parts of my blog in their newsletter (a snail mail newsletter) that goes to everyone.

abhijit said...

The tiger pic was clicked by a friend of mine on his pentax camera. His camera has 6 x zoom. In any case, we were not more than 10 feet away from the tiger. It is a thrilling experience and wild tigers are actually very shy creatures, unless they have turned man-eaters.

Anne said...

Today Googling 'jules fork lightning' brings your blog entry up at #3 on page 1.

Anonymous said...

Yes you are!