Thursday, August 11, 2005

More Friday cat blogging

A bonafide neighbouring cat
Originally uploaded by Racmol.
Another indoor cat looks out wistfully at the world beyond their front door. A genuine Gascony Avenue inhabitant this time, directly across the street from us.

On another subject entirely, it seems I can't turn my back for a second without New Zealand going to the dogs. Can Dr Brash please explain why the $58 I spent last time I visited my GP is not adequate payment for the gruelling 6 minutes she spent taking my blood pressure and filling out a blood test form? I mean, I understand there are expenses to consider: tissues are a terrible price these days and for some reason the patients seem to be getting more and more upset...

Hurrah for the NHS is what I say! And roll on the weekend.

1 comment:

abhijit said...

If you wanna track wild cats, then come to India. You will find loads of them.