Monday, September 19, 2011

Sofia's cast

Sofia's Cast, originally uploaded by Racmol.

...and this is the 'after' shot. Soft play rooms are dangerous places, apparently.

The x-ray and the swelling suggest a fractured elbow. She got a temporary cast put on and we have an appointment at the fracture clinic for Thursday to get it reassessed and the long-term cast put on if necessary.

So at least there was something for show and tell on Monday! She has been revelling in all the attention from teachers, parents and classmates alike - but is outraged that one of the teachers prevented her from climbing up some playground equipment.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Definitely cute - cast is the same kind as mine - auntie Chrissie has one too - only one my right leg to the knee - came home today - very nice to be home love to you all