Thursday, September 08, 2011

Officially a school girl

First day of school 2, originally uploaded by Racmol.

So the first day of school finally dawned today, after weeks of anticipation.

So far, so good. We weren't late. We didn't forget to take the lunchbox out of the fridge. Some kind person had put a princess sticker next to Sofia's name on her coat peg. There was a whole army of dinosaurs for Willy to play with while we got all the bits and pieces organised in the various bins and trays. And she was not a bit concerned when we left, being half way through a puzzle by then.

We had had some discussions over the past couple of days about how you sometimes meet people who say mean things and how you don't have to listen, you can just brush it off. (Particularly after on Tuesday we were at Rascals and some bigger boys apparently said mean things and she dissolved into a flood of tears.)

So it was pleasing that at the end of the day as we were on our way out of the gates, Sofia said casually 'There was one child who was bad, and he hit me and I just went like this' and she did this elaborate sweep with one hand from the shoulder to the wrist of the other arm, and then repeated it on the other side!

I think I'll go to bed now. The stress of the school run plus the late night packed lunch preparation is taking its toll.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great success. Much better than Tom's first day