Friday, April 22, 2011

Conversations with my children

Scene: the bath tub

Sofia: (whiny) But I want another baby!

Me: Another brother?

Sofia: Ye-es.

Me: Well, I don't think we're going to have another baby.

Sofia: Or a sister.


Sofia: Did Uncle Je...did Uncle Je...did Uncle Je...

Me: Uncle Jeremy.

Sofia: Did Uncle Jeremy have Caoimhe first?

Me: No, they had Timo and then Caoimhe and then Lennox.

Sofia: Oh.

Me: But some people decide that they will only have two children. Like Aunty Sara and Uncle Luke, they just have Mia and Isla.

Willy: Isla! I like Isla!

1 comment:

Spotster said...

A somewhat smug Isla says "Willy that was very kind of you, I like you too!"