Saturday, January 06, 2007

Henry the historic horse struggles under an uneven load

Give the people what they want - that's my motto. When I blogged Jules falling off a tiny plastic chair and nearly giving a cyclo driver a hernia in Vietnam, the comments flooded in from all over the place.

So here's another girth-related story, complete with illustration. The sign above the historic merry-go-round at Jardin des Tuileries said children under seven must be accompanied by an adult - but I don't think it meant on the same horse! Poor Henry probably hadn't carried such an uneven load in all his 135 years. I particularly like his startled expression and the way his front legs are rearing up and his back legs nearly dragging on the floor...


Anonymous said...

'eroic 'enry th' 'istorical 'orse 'eaves under th' 'uge h'impost of J. 'arold th' 'appy 'amburger h'eater of h'immense h'appetite while h'Isla 'oney 'angs on to 'is 'air in 'ypnotic 'orror.

Rachel Matheson said...

Lolo, now's a good moment to explain your nickname. Translation for anyone who's confused: 'er grandad said...