Sunday, July 23, 2006

Technology-free household

Since we had our front door kicked down on Friday, we no longer have any laptops (among other things) so the blog will not be updated for a bit. Also we have not done anything interesting, due to spending most of the weekend at home entertaining the crime scene investigators, detectives and locksmiths.


Anonymous said...

we were sorry to hear of the damage and loss. Jeremy told us via Skype when we couldn't contact you so that you could chat to Mia & Isla. I hope that the novel was backed up somewhere else! The same thing could have happened in Wellington or somewhere else for that matter. Trust the insurance covers the bulk of it.

Anonymous said...

Did they take the MARVELOUS new toaster?!

Anonymous said...

Is there an episode of the Bill that parallels your experience? Glad you weren't home.