Friday, June 27, 2014

Sports Day

So we had Sports Day - triumph and disaster in one day and let me just say we did not treat them just the same as per Rudyard Kipling's well-meaning advice.

To start the day, here is Will winning the 50m sprint. There are some other competitors but as you can see it didn't exactly come down to the wire. 

Then we had Fia in her sprint, where she finished a close 3rd as evidenced by this picture. Somehow the organisers neglected to give her her shiny '3rd' sticker, which I would have been in there complaining about vociferously if I'd realised at the time, as it was her only placing all day. I thought better of showing the teachers the photographic evidence, in the end...

Will went on to win his egg and spoon race, sack race and the team event bean bag shuffle - in fact, he was in four events and came away with 4 1sts, which was starting to look a bit like showing off. To Fia's credit, she was just pleased and proud of her brother - no sign of jealousy at all.

Unfortunately, Fia had a nasty fall in the sack race and the day went from bad to worse for her. There were tears and lots of them and we'd just recovered from that when she dropped her egg in the egg and spoon and it all began again. 

In other news, we are trying without success to catch the rat we saw on the patio last week. It has fancy imported American peanut butter in its trap but it doesn't seem to be tempted by it. As yet. 


Dadster said...

well done to both of them. I bet that Fia tried her very best. Willy must be proud of himself too.

Christine said...

I guess rats just are too common to appreciate fancy imported peanut butter well done Fia and Willy - I dont think I have ever won a race or come anywhere near the front.