Friday, January 18, 2013

From bad to worse...

photo, originally uploaded by Racmol.

This doesn't really do justice to just how heavy the snow is at the moment, and I have to go and pick up William soon (which I will be doing by train).

If anyone is wondering why I'm not blogging:

We have no bathroom.

Or living room.

Or dining room.

The shutters were finally coming today but the van went into a railing and decided to go home to Brighton.

I have had eight cold sores. Four remaining.

And a bacterial infection requiring antibiotics.

We have to move out again next week so the hallway ceiling can come down.

So I am not really in the mood for posting pictures of sunny New Zealand.

1 comment:

judith said...

my commiserations. It feels good to get home to a modern bathroom. Our charming and very old cottage in akaroa had the bathroom outside off the back porch. We have had some very hot days (sorry)