Friday, December 09, 2011

Christmas lights

Christmas lights, originally uploaded by Racmol.

We rode the 98 bus into town on Sunday afternoon, so we could sit upstairs and look at the Christmas lights as we came along Oxford St.

Willy and Fia were less than keen. They really just wanted to stay at home and watch a movie, so the whole getting ready to go out process was long and drawn out and ended up with me bellowing: 'Look, it's going to be the most magical experience - GET YOUR COAT ON NOW!'

The bus took ages to get down Kilburn High Rd, but eventually, as we turned the corner onto Oxford St, it was very pretty - until one block later all the buses were diverted up the back streets and Sofia started saying 'We've been on this bus a very long time - when are we getting off?'

This photo is of Neal St, Covent Garden - the lights weren't all that spectacular but at least there were no cars and plenty of puddles for jumping in!

1 comment:

Annie said...
