Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Getting ready for school...

Hi - after a long silence, we are back in business blog-wise.

Major events in our house - some amateur hairdressing (Sofia, on Maria's watch). William has a couple of chunks missing at the back and a very jagged fringe. No way of fixing that without cutting it ridiculously short. Sofia has some shorter bits at the back which aren't too bad and then a quite short chunk out just behind her fringe which will take at least a year to grow out I imagine. Not the best look for starting school.

We're off to Germany for a few days next week to see Geoff and Heike while they're there. Early plane - Sofia very excited about getting up in the night!

Otherwise not much happening - Jules and I are permanently tired and grumpy as Willy is a ratbag at night. 'I don't like my own bed - it's too little!' and so on. Wearing.

1 comment:

Dadster said...

Good to see you back :-)

Sofia looks the part. The uniforn looks very business-like! It looks like it is from a "no-nonsense" sort of school ;-)