Sunday, January 30, 2011

Happy birthday Willy!

Triceratops on the move, originally uploaded by Racmol.

There wasn't much fanfare to Willy's 2nd birthday really, due to jetlag and general exhaustion (Sofia, Willy and I arrived back from New Zealand the day before).

We had presents in the late morning and funnily enough, the biggest hit was the two little dinosaurs Sofia bought him in the Otago Museum shop while we were in Dunedin. And I do mean that she bought them - I was busy preventing Willy from flinging a space hopper across the shop at the time, so I sent her up to the counter with the money and she came back with all the right change and the dinosaurs in a bag.

Willy calls his new friends 'Tops' and 'Saurus' - short for Triceratops and Stegosaurus.

Dinosaur cake
About 6 o'clock I made a big chocolate traybake cake. Sofia and Willy hadn't woken up from their afternoon nap yet, and even after I'd cut up the cake into the shape of a T. Rex (roughly speaking) and iced it they couldn't be roused. I did stand over their beds and talk loudly about it, and lifted Willy's arm and let it flop back down again, tried a spot of tickling - but no luck.

So in the end we had the cake this morning. And very delish it was too, if I do say so myself.

Happy birthday William
I got about 6 hours sleep last night, which was more than Jules got as he was apparently up making pasta for the kids at 11.30pm and then again at 4am. And tonight they were both asleep between 6 and 7pm which is pretty close to normal, so we'll see how we go.


Dadster said...

Good to see you back Rac :)

The cake looks great :)


Christine said...

you are amazing creating a dinosaur cake just after flying half way round the world!!