Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sofia's first birthday

Happy Birthday Sofia, originally uploaded by Racmol.

You know how people always say to children: 'No, you can't have cake now, you'll spoil your dinner'? Well, we fed Sofia cake right before dinner - just to make sure she wasn't too full or tired to appreciate it - and she wolfed down an entire large slice and then washed it down with a full bowl of spinach, kumara and peas. So it turns out the cake spoiling dinner thing is an urban myth and we shall not be paying it any heed in our household.

There is a full sequence of birthday pictures, including all of us in St James's Park at lunchtime, on flickr. But I'll also post the final cake picture, so you can be sure I'm not making this up.

1 comment:

christine said...

Splendid cake. Did you make it yourself Rachel? Great effort.