Thursday, January 05, 2006

Frisking about in the snow...

Frisking about in the snow, originally uploaded by Racmol.

..conclusive proof that Jules did actually come with me to St Petersburg.

Stupid things I have done this week:

1. Plugged in my old phone to charge for S & H to use, without noticing it was set to a completely different time zone. Leapt out of bed when the alarm rang, had a shower, got dressed, dried my hair and then thought: 'Hmm, it's very dark out.' 2.10am, it was. Not a good first day back at work.

2. Announced I was going for a run at lunchtime, charged downstairs and got changed then found I didn't have my running shoes. Workmates said this proved that subconsciously I hadn't really intended to go!

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