I’m a writer and a mum of two young people. The tiger safari remains on hold, and most of my trekking takes place near Lake Hawea and Wanaka in New Zealand.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
December round up
Sunday, December 08, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Saturday, November 02, 2013
Our very first Halloween
This year we went trick or treating with some friends down in the Queens Park Estate (a series of roads with lots of identical small terraced cottages - very pretty).
Lots of people had pumpkins out front and plenty had even decorated their front windows or in some cases the entire front of their houses.
The kids were beyond excited - this is the least blurry photo I could find as they were all jumping about crazily before we went and I only had my phone with me.
Up till that night, I'd always been a halloween sceptic. Knock on strangers' doors and get sweets? What could go wrong? But when I saw how many kind and lovely people came to the door and fussed over the kids I changed my mind pretty quickly.
We finally got home about 8 o'clock which felt like midnight as it had been dark for hours and I just poured the kids into bed, not a sugar tantrum in sight.
So of course, now we have to do it all again next year and Sofia's being a mummy this time.
Speaking of which, our day out with the mummies worked really well. There's enough bling about the sarcophagi to impress even the smallest kids and plenty of x-rays of skeletons and weird mummified animals. 40 minutes max though I would say.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
'Arf-term acroBATics
Monday, October 14, 2013
William's family tree
The latest school project for the boy. Now well settled in and happy at school too.
Sunday, October 06, 2013
Saturday, October 05, 2013
Sofia's first horse ride
...in the wilds of North Kensington, just 10 minutes drive from home. She's super keen to sign up for lessons - parents just a little concerned about the inevitable upgrade from hamster to pony...
In other news, Will now does Brazilian Ju Jitsu on Saturday mornings and kicks a rugby ball around the park with Dad in the afternoons. Home for apple pie afterwards today - thank you Mr Sainsbury.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Donkey rides a penny each...
Or thereabouts. It was a very wet Queens Park Day this year but we still had a good time. Pics of Sofia and her donkey plus candy floss on flickr.
Wednesday, September 04, 2013
Look out school, here I come!
Look out school, here I come!, originally uploaded by Racmol.
First day of Big School today for Mr. W. I would tell you more about it but I have already fallen asleep on the tube and in my armchair today and I'm now falling asleep over the keyoard!
Friday, June 28, 2013
Dotto turns 6 months old...
...and celebrates with a hedgehog cake courtesy of Mr Sainsbury (no, we didn't really let him eat it) and a change of gender. Or more accurately a change of name, since he must always have been a boy. Once we actually bothered to tip him upside down to inspect, it was pretty clear.
Family of 4 at No. 44
Amazing what you see when you're home alone in a quiet house. I had thought the fox had moved away when the garden got ripped out, but I see now she's just been busy the last few months.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Monday, April 01, 2013
Dot enjoys a small snack
Dot is a calm hamster. She really likes sleeping in the daytime. She likes to play at night and she kind of makes a little rustle rustle tap. By Sofia.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Introducing Dorothea (Dot)
So, we have news! After two weeks of extensive research and many hours on Amazon, we are the proud owners of one enormous cage (designed for ferrets), occupied by one very small hamster.
We went out in the snow this morning (I know - it's mad - nearly the end of March) to choose a Syrian hamster, clutching the Minimals small animal carrier that had arrived earlier in the week in one of the (many) boxes from Amazon.
We meant to choose a male hamster, as the hamster book says males are less bitey than females, but the guy in the shop suggested we look at this girl who was a little older than the others (13 weeks) and very friendly. So we all took it in turns to hold her and she seemed a bit more robust than the tiny jumpy males and not freaked out by Willy so we brought her home and now we have our first family pet.
She has her own covered toilet, which she seems to be using - apparently they are very clean animals who like to choose a specific place as a toilet. In any case hamster poo is just small black pellets and not offensive at all.
We quickly discovered she can climb right to the top of the cage so we may have to string up some hammocks to avoid her injuring herself if she falls. (Clearly I have been spending too much time on hamster forums!)
Tomorrow we will be getting her out to handle her and hopefully not losing her around the house...
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Northern Lights odyssey
So we're back from our adventure in Finnish Lapland and we can all say we've seen the Northern Lights. I know this isn't the steadiest photo you've ever seen but somehow it's the most atmospheric and it was taken just on the path outside our cabin.
We left home at 7 am on Saturday and spent most of the day getting there - flying first to Helsinki then on to Ivalo and then getting a minibus to Kakslauttanen. In my mind, I'd thought that it was a romantic exaggeration to say that the resort was just a collection of log cabins in the forest and that really they'd all be clustered together around the restaurant complex with covered walkways but actually they are dotted about in the trees. Here's a shot of ours, complete with sledding inhabitants.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
From bad to worse...
This doesn't really do justice to just how heavy the snow is at the moment, and I have to go and pick up William soon (which I will be doing by train).
If anyone is wondering why I'm not blogging:
We have no bathroom.
Or living room.
Or dining room.
The shutters were finally coming today but the van went into a railing and decided to go home to Brighton.
I have had eight cold sores. Four remaining.
And a bacterial infection requiring antibiotics.
We have to move out again next week so the hallway ceiling can come down.
So I am not really in the mood for posting pictures of sunny New Zealand.